The Love Monday Podcast
This podcast is devoted to showing people how to improve their lives by taking specific steps to love Monday just like Friday. Join host Ryan Houmand, author of "A Passion for Monday" as he and his guests break down exactly how you can love Monday just like Friday but for a different reason. For more information on how to Love Monday just like Friday go to:
The Love Monday Podcast
Ep 71: The Strengths, Weaknesses and Blindspots of Managers
In this episode we explore new research into where managers are doing well, struggling and where they think they're doing better than they are compared to how their team members feel. The research is from Gallup and if you want to see the report, click the link below.
Strengths, Weaknesses and Blindspots
For more information on how to love Monday just like Friday, got to: Find more information from Ryan on Linkedin:
Get the book! "A Passion for Monday"