The Love Monday Podcast
This podcast is devoted to showing people how to improve their lives by taking specific steps to love Monday just like Friday. Join host Ryan Houmand, author of "A Passion for Monday" as he and his guests break down exactly how you can love Monday just like Friday but for a different reason. For more information on how to Love Monday just like Friday go to:
The Love Monday Podcast
Ep 53: Everybody Needs a Coach
The best lifehack there is, is to get a coach. You can take a class, read a book or watch a log of videos to gain knowledge, but one thing none of those can ever give you is feedback on how you are personally doing in your quest for improvement. A coach can give you the insights and ask all the right questions.
For more information on how to love Monday just like Friday, got to: Find more information from Ryan on Linkedin:
Get the book! "A Passion for Monday"